Cheek & Chin Surgery | Implants | Mentoplasty | Alexandria | Virginia
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    Profile-plasty - What does it mean?

    Since the object of Cosmetic Surgery is to bring harmony to the facial features, a balanced profile is often what a person seeks or needs most. Often times a nose will appear larger than it actually is due to an under (or sometimes overly) developed chin. Also the neck may appear fuller due to a small chin. This condition is termed “hypogenia” and easily improved by inserting an IMPLANT over the jaw bone. This procedure is called MENTOPLASTY and has been safely performed for at least 30 years, so it has stood the test of time. The procedure can be done alone or with other procedures such as nasal surgery, or with liposuction of the neck or a face lift to give a better chin-neck line.

    How or where is Mentoplasty performed?

    It is usually done as an office procedure under local anesthesia but can be done under general anesthesia if requested. A small incision is made inside the mouth underneath the lower gum line (gingiva)  so NO EXTERNAL SCAR is made. A pocket is formed over the chin and the implant which is custom carved from the space age plastic is inserted in place and the incision closed with dissolving  sutures so no stitches have to be removed. The chin is kept tape with flesh tone tape for 5-7 days.

    What should you expect?

    chinThe results are an immediate- (see photograph) improvement in the profile and reduction of a double chin. Mild pain and swelling are present for about one week and a soft diet is recommended.

    Are there complications?

    Complications are quite rare and are related to possible infection or intolerance to the material. Antibiotics are used prophylactically for one week. Rejection is extremely rare.

    Can it be injured?

    Yes, but with much difficulty and would take severe injury to do it.

    How long will it last?

    The result is forever.

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